Using the Browser¶
The front-end consists of a browser based on JScript, which can upload metadata and short reads via HTTP5. The front-end also includes EnteroUploader, a python-based executable that uses the S3 protocol for faster uploading. We are also planning to implement a RESTful interface for accessing an API by programmers.
The browser contains four panes: Methods, Metadata, Experimental data, and Information. a left pane for metadata and a right pane for experimental data. The width of columns and of the individual panes can be changed dragging the borders. Clicking on the greyed area of the central border between Metadata and Experimental Data, closes Experimental Data. Clicking on the left or right borders closes the side panes (Left: Methods; Right: Information).Clicking a second time opens the closed panes.
Methods Pane¶
Methods is intended to provide access to all available methods. Currently it only redirects to either Strains->Browse / [Edit Strain MetaData] or Add Data -> [Upload Reads] / [Metadata for Uploaded Reads].
Information Pane¶
Information pane contains both the overview of a database, and the data and tasks that were associated with a user.
- Overview:
Pie-charts of the proportions of strains from different countries or institutes.
- User Data
The number of strains that have been uploaded from the user that is logged in.
- User Tasks
The number of running or complete tasks that are associated with the user.
Select Column¶
Multiple rows can be selected for bulk processing if the leftmost checkbox is ticked. A right click within the browser offers the option of selecting or deselecting all rows from the current query. Multiple rows can also be selected/unselected by first selecting one row, and then a shift-click in a different row. Selected rows are the target for assembling multiple genomes or downloading multiple assemblies. By right clicking, a context menu will allow you to select/unselect all rows.
Edit Column¶
This column shows whether you have editing rights on the row. A pencil icon means that the row can be edited either directly by clicking onto a cell or by clicking on the pencil icon and editing all the records at once, A red background shows that the row contains errors and a yellow background indicates changes have been made in the row.