Configuration info for metadata and results fields

Configuration for the metadata associated with strains and also the experimental/analysis results are specified in the data_param table. There is a row or field in the table for each of the different metadata and results values. There is a row for each of the columns that are displayed on the GUI for a strain, and also rows for hidden data that can nevertheless by displayed in custom columns or incoporated into queries.

Each field can have the following columns

  • tabname strains (for experimental data, should be the name of the scheme)
  • name The programatic name of the filed (used in the the python and JavaScript code)
  • sra_field The path in the json data returned from metaparser after downloading the data from NCBI which corresponds to the field. e.g. For Source Niche Sample,Metadata,Source Niche would retrieve the Environment from the the following data

             "Source Niche":"Environment",
  • mlst_field Obsolete (the name of the field in the legacy MLST database)
  • display_order The order of the column in the grid (can be negative)
  • nested_order 0 for normal fields. If anything else then this will be displayed as a compound field e.g. continent, country etc. The number is the order in the compound field
  • label The label that will be displayed to the user
  • datatype Describes how the datatype will be validated. Can be
    • text
    • combo - only values specified in vals are allowed
    • suggest - values in vals will be suggested but not enforced
    • integer
    • double
    • custom - validation is complex and is carried out by a method in the grid (see below)
  • min_value If the datatype is an integer/double than this is the minimum value allowed
  • max_value If the datatype is an integer/double than this is the maximum value allowed
  • required 1 if a value has to given for the field, otherwise 0. If it is not essential but is present, it must still conform to any validation criteria
  • default_value If no value is present, then this value will be entered into the grid
  • allow_pattern If the field is text then it will have to conform to this Standard pattern matching
  • description A brief description of the field
  • vals A lit of values (separated by |), which are either enforced (datatype is combo) or suggested (datatype is suggest)
  • max_length The maximum length (in characters) of the value
  • allow_multiple_values If 1 then more than one value for a field is allowed. e.g Accession can have more than one value since many reads can be associated with the same strain.
  • no_duplicates Not actually enforced

Adding a Custom Validator

The method accepts a function which takes the column name and row_id . From this the value of the cell can be obtained (or other values in the row). The appropriate message (if validation fails) or empty an string should be passed on to the updateErrors() method which will return true of false

    var col_index = grid.getColumnIndex(col_name);
    var row_index = grid.getRowIndex(row_id)
    var value = grid.getValueAt(row_index,col_index);
    var msg ="";
    //validate value - change msg to reason failed if appropriate
    return grid.updateErrors(colName,rowID,msg)
