
User reads and reads from NCBI are assembled and analysed by running a series of jobs. Subsequent analyses such as creating SNP trees are also performed by jobs. These jobs are managed by the CRobot module. There is a CRobot head node that receives requests to run jobs. These jobs are then farmed out to one or more calculation nodes to be run. There are individual Python processes running on the head node for each of the calculation nodes.

Database Tables That Hold Information About Jobs

CRobot has its own database for logging and managing jobs which runs in parallel with databases for logging jobs and their results that are associated with the enterobase-web module. The enterobase-web associated database tables are as follows:


A log of all crobot jobs are kept in a single user_jobs database which is shared by all of the species. This database was designed early on and never modified, hence the fields accession and pipeline contain different types of values, depending on the nature of the job.

  • job_id this is the job_id assigned by crobot and mirrors the index in CRobots record of jobs
  • accession This value is used to get an handle on which assembly or analysis is tied to the job. It is the ‘tag’ value in CRobot objects
    • For Assembly jobs this is a comma delimited list of SRA accession numbers. For user uploaded reads it is represented by trace_acccesion#read1_name#read2_name.
    • For Analysis jobs it can vary but is usually the analysis_name: analysis_id or just the analysis id
    • For Nomenclature or other schemes it is the barcode of the assembly being processed
  • user_id The id of the user
  • status The status that crobot returns
  • pipeline This is the value used to get the correct class to process when the job returns (in In the majority of cases, it is the same as the crobot pipeline, but not always. Any extra information or comments can be stored after a semi colon in the value, which is ignored. It is the ‘type’ value in CRobot objects.
    • For Assembly jobs it is the name of the crobot pipeline - QAssembly
    • For nomenclature jobs it is in the form of nomenclature:scheme_name e.g nomenclature:Salmonella_rMLST
    • For non nomenclature schemes/experiments it is the scheme description (name) in the scheme table, which is usually the crobot pipeline e.g SeroPred.
    • For Analysis Jobs again, this value is usually the same as the crobot pipeline. An example where it differs is for a Locus Search, where this value will be ‘locus_search’ , but the crobot pipeline is actually nomenclature. Therefor when a nomenclature job created by a locus search operation is returned, it will be processed by a LocusSearchJob object, not a NomenclatureJob object.
  • date_sent The date sent
  • database The name of the database
  • output_location - only used for assemblies at the moment
  • version The crobot pipeline version


This contains the results of running a pipeline job associated with an assembly, so if there are four schemes associated with a specific species then there will be four assembly_lookup entries for each assembly. For nomenclature jobs it contains the ST barcode of the result which indexes the detailed results in NServ, for other types of jobs the results are in the other_data column. The table also identifies the job status, e.g. complete or failed, the number of times an associated pipeline job was run and the id of the latest job

  • assembly_id The id of the assembly
  • scheme_id The id of the scheme
  • version The latest version
  • st_barcode For nomenclature jobs this stores the Nserv st barcode for the assembly/scheme. For snp_calls it is the barcode of reference assembly used to call the snps. For other schemes it is blank or contains EGG ??
  • annotation For nomenclature schemes this contains the gff representation of the loci positions in the genome. This could be stored elsewhere as it takes up the most space in the database. It is only used to create Jbrowse annotations and to look up loci positions in the Locus Search and Accessory Genome pages. This is done by the get_allele_details_for_strain() method in entero.main.views (which is surprisingly fast as it has to retrieve the entire text and perform a linear search)
  • status the current status - FAILED, QUEUED or COMPLETE
  • other_data Older entries may contain other fields that were never used. The only value that is used (apart from results) is fail_count which is used by the [update_scheme](Maintenance Scripts#markdown-header-update_scheme) to decide whether to resend a job.
    • job_id the id of the job
    • job_count the number of times a job for this assembly/scheme combination has been sent
    • complete_count the number of times jobs have been processed. Not always the same as job_count if the same job has had multiple call backs
    • queued_count The number of queued jobs (something is wrong the job scheduling if this is greater than 1)
    • fail_count The number of jobs that have failed
    • results A dictionary of results


As well as storing user preference information, such as the layout preferences for the GUI, the global user_preferences table also uses the data field in the this table to the store the results of analysis Jobs e.g MStrees, SNPS. The logic is that in both cases the results are specific to a user, is retreived one entry at a time, and there is no requirement to do complex searches for multiple entries

  • For single jobs , if a job is complete it will have “complete”:”true” in the data of if it cannot be sent or returned as failed the value will be “failed”:”true”. Also if a job was successfully sent, job_id will be present in the data.
  • For an SNP Project, which requires multiple jobs, each has a tag with not_sent,queued or complete and another tag with the job’s id e.g. “ref_mapper_matrix”:”queued”,”ref_mapper_matrix_id”:2323232

Job Management

Job Classes

When a job is initiated an instance of an appropriate job related class is created to marschal the appropriate data and pass the job request on to CRobot. When the job is complete, crobot sends back the results of a job it sends an HTTP post to the /crobot_callback URL on enterobase-web, which recreates the job class instance in order to process the results.

Jobs classes are in entero/jobs/ and are constructed by parameters which are particular to the type of Job or by the get_crobot_job method giving either the id of the job or the data returned from crobot


The choice of the class to create is determined in entero/jobs/ line 1680, such that AlternType is a GenericJob, which is a type of CRobotJob, which is a type of RemoteJob which is a type of assemblybasedJob


In Local jobs send_job() simply calls process_job(), hence they are run instantly in the same thread. If USE CELERY in config is True or if the object’s use_celery property is True , the the job will be sent to the celery message queue. In practice this involves reconstructing the job object in the celery thread and calling process_job, hence all members must be able to be serialized. It is not beleived that this is currently used as the only reference is UGSgenerator in ExtraFuncs/


Remote job need to supply send_job() and process_job() methods. The __init__ method needs to account for the fact that the job can either be created with parameters ready to send the job or the returned data after the job has been processed


All jobs (except the toy examples) inherit from CRobot job,which in turn inerits from CrobotJob. CrobotJob provides an init method, which will construct the object from data returned from crobot or the job_id. The job will then be ready to be processed will or resent. The job can also be constructed denovo with all the parameters, inputs and reads required by crobot. In practice, however, the init methods is overridden in sub-classes and simple parameters are converted to what is required by crobot. Two important properties are tag and type

  • tag This is used as handle to the object that the job has been run for. It is stored in the accession filed of the user_jobs table. For assembly based jobs it is the assembly barcode, for AssemblyJobs it is the trace accessions(s) and for analysis jobs, the id of the analysis object
  • type


These jobs are for a ‘scheme’ on an individual assembly and should also inherit from a LocalJob or RemoteJob.Examples are NomenclatureJob and GenericJob. They are constructed with the SQLAlchemy scheme object,database, assembly_barcode and assembly_filepointer. user_id, workgroup and priority are optional


Schemes = dbhandle['senterica'].models.Schemes
scheme = dbhandle["senterica"].session.query(Schemes).filter_by(description='MLST_Achtman').one()
job = NomenclatureJob(scheme=scheme,

Managing assembly Jobs

The script :ref:’update_assemblies’ will attempt to find all strain records which do not have a valid assembly and have illimina paired end traces and assemble them.

  • Users can call assemblies by calling /api/v1.0/assemble the actual method is the put method of AssembleAPI in entero/api_1_0/
  • When a user uploads files or they are loaded from a folder the file_upload_success method in entero/ is called which calls assemble_user)uploads in entero.cell_app tasks this method adds the strain to the database based on metadata stored in user_uploads asd


Running Celery

Celery is a message queue to allow methods to run asynchronously in a different thread. For it to work, rabbitmq has to be installed and running. In Enterobase, Celery is run with the following command in order to be able to access all of Enterobase’s resources. You can specify the number of threads (the default is 1 and at the time of writing, using multiple threads caused SQLAlchemy problems)

python runcelery -t 1

This has to be run as a deamon, if using supervisord, the following can be included in the supervisord.conf

; path should be the python exe in the enterobase virtual environment
command=/var/www/venv/bin/python runcelery
;the directory is where is located in the local installation
;user must have correct permissions

From time to time rabbitmq will stop working. You can check is status with

service rabbitmq-server status

If it is down, you can restart it with

service rabbitmq-server start

Celery Setup In Enterobase

The way it is actually setup in Enterobase is very simple - in entero __init__ is the following code:-

from celery import Celery
celery = Celery(__name__)

The config for celery is in the main enterobase config and assumes that rabbitmq is running locally

BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'

To use celery just import entero.celery and wrap the method in celery.task.

from entero import celery
def my_method():
     #do stuff

N.B. If the module where the method resides is not imported when the app is loaded, it has to be imported in the runcelery method of in order for it to be registered.

When calling the a celery method is best to give an alternative if celery is not running e.g.

if app.config['USE_CELERY']: