EnteroBase & Bionumerics

We use Bionumerics 7.5+ for analysing data from EnteroBase.

By using the EnteroBase API you can do the same! This is a worked example showing you how to download genotyping data and strain metadata from EnteroBase into Bionumerics 7.5. This approach may work with 6, but I haven’t tried. You will need a valid API token, [click here for more details](Getting%20started%20with%20Enterobase%20API) For the sake of demonstration I will use a very small dataset of ~230 strains, which are UK Typhimurium strains from 2015 only.

For scripts, like these, that will help you to work with EnteroBase, [please click here] (https://bitbucket.org/enterobase/enterobase-scripts)

  • Firstly, I will begin with a completely fresh BN 7.5 Database.
  • We want to use BN’s in-built Python script editor. So go to Scripts > Python Script Editor…

Creating database fields

  • The first thing we want to do is to populate the BN database with metadata fields. This is the template script with a few helper methods, and import_fields(), which creates the metadata fields.

Adding records

  • **Second, we want to import some key values into the database. I prefer to use the strain BARCODE from EnteroBase for each record, it is unique across all EnteroBase databases, and excellent for searching a particular strain. The method that does this is import_entries() which is given the serotype, country and year we defined in __main__. **
def import_entries(serotype, country , year, max_num = 1000):
#  Imports entry keys, given serotype, contact and year, into BN.
#       This does not add any metadata.

        offset = 0 # Cursor position for traversing data
        limit = 200 # Page size in API requests

        keys = [] # existing BN keys
        for e in bns.Database.Db.Entries:
        done = [] # BN does not add update keys until the end. So we need a
                                        # running tally.

        while True:

                # Our search params
                params = dict(Serovar=serotype, Country=country, Collection_year=year,
                        limit=limit, offset=offset, bionumerics='True')

                # Retrive from strain data API
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?%s' %(DATABASE, urllib.urlencode(params))
                print 'Connecting to %s' %address
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)

                # Read through data entries and add to BN.
                for record in data['strains']:
                        item = record['strain_barcode']
                        if item not in keys and item not in done:
                                print 'ERROR: %s has already been in this database' % (item)

                offset += limit # Update cursor. Repeat.

                # If the API does not give a link to a next page,
                # this is the last page; so break.
                if not data['paging'].has_key('next') or offset >= max_num:
  • **The result is a database with just the keys. Metadata is loaded next. **

Adding Metadata

  • **Metadata is loaded next with import_metadata(). I set it up to only update keys where the field Assembly_status is null, this field is always filled in EnteroBase, so I am implicitly picking rows that have no data at all. You can change the way the keys are chosen to anyway you want. **
def import_metadata(field_filter = 'Assembly_status', update_all = False):
        # This method searches for rows missing data in a certain
        # field and updates metadata.

        offset = 0 # offset cursor for traversal
        limit = 100 # page limit for API requests
        keys = []

        # Find all keys to be updated, where field is NULL.
        for ent in bns.Database.Db.Entries:
                if bns.Database.EntryField(ent,field_filter).Content == '' or update_all:
        fields = []

        # Fetch all BN fields to be updated.
        for ent in bns.Database.Db.Fields:

        # Iterate through all keys to be updated
        chunks =[keys[x:x+limit] for x in xrange(0, len(keys), limit)]
        for chunk in chunks:

                # Create list of strain keys to be downloaded
                strain_list = ','.join(chunk)

                # Request parameters
                params = dict(strain_barcode=strain_list, bionumerics='True', limit=len(chunk))
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?%s' %(DATABASE, urllib.urlencode(params))
                print 'Connecting to %s' %address[:50]
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)
                # From json data, update BN rows.
                for record in data['strains']:
                          # Step through and updated specified fields.
                                for field in fields:
                                        # Field should exist (obviously)
                                        if record.has_key(field):
                                                #  Make sure API has returned a value for a field.
                                                if record[field] != '' and record[field] != 'null' and record[field] != 'None' and record[field] != None:
                                                   # Do not update empty fields
                                                        if bns.Database.EntryField(record['strain_barcode'], field).Content != '' :
                                                                print "SKIP: EntryField '%s %s' has some data and will not be updated." % (record['strain_barcode'], field)
                                                        else :
                                                                bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), field).Content = str(record[field])
                                bns.Database.Db.Fields.Save() # commit our changes
  • **As an aside, you could choose keys based on rows you have selected in the main window with something like this **
  • **Now we have something a bit more interesting in the database! **

Adding schemes

  • The new step is to add the scheme definitions (experimental data) in BN
def create_experiments(schemes, maximum_num = 100000):
        # Using list of schemes (from import fields)
        # create corresponding experiments in BN and add loci.
        keys = {}
        # Valid schemes from import_fields method
        for scheme in schemes:
                # Fetch Loci information
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/%s/loci?limit=5000' %(DATABASE, scheme)
                print 'Connecting to %s' %address
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)
                charset = []
                for chars in data['loci']:

                # Get the scheme (experiment), or create if needed
                try :
                except :
                schemes[scheme] = bns.Characters.CharSetType(scheme)

                # Create Locus (as a character field) if required
                for cset in sorted(charset):
                        if schemes[scheme].FindChar(cset) == -1:
                                schemes[scheme].AddChar(cset, maximum_num)

                # Add experimental data to keys for each scheme, if they have no ST info
                for ent in bns.Database.Db.Entries:
                        ST =  int(bns.Database.EntryField(ent,'%s_ST' %scheme).Content) if bns.Database.EntryField(ent,'%s_ST' %scheme).Content.isdigit() else 100000
                        # Records with invalid or undefined STs will be given a -1 value.
                        # These need to be ignored.
                        if ST < 1:
                                bns.Database.Experiment(ent, scheme_name).Delete()
                        elif bns.Database.EntryField(ent,'%s_ST' %scheme).Content == '':
                                keys[str(ent)] = True
        return sorted(keys.keys())
  • ** Schemes are now added, with all the loci as well.**

Loading genotype data

  • ** Now the fun part. Loading the actual genotyping data in for all schemes, including cgMLST**
def get_experiment_data(keys):
        limit = 100
        # Iterate through all keys (in chunks) to be updated
        chunks =[keys[x:x+limit] for x in xrange(0, len(keys), limit)]
        cset = bns.Characters.CharSet()
        for chunk in chunks:

                # Create list of strain keys to be downloaded
                strain_list = ','.join(chunk)

                # Request parameters
                params = dict(strain_barcode=strain_list, bionumerics='True', limit=len(chunk))
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?%s' %(DATABASE, urllib.urlencode(params))
                # Fetch records
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)

                for record in data['strains']:
                # Retrieve ST information for records.
                # Iterate through sts, which stores ST info for each scheme
                        for st in record['sts']:
                                if st.has_key('st_barcode_link') and st['st_barcode'].endswith('_ST'):
                                        ST = None
                                        # Search for an ST for the records
                                        scheme_name = st['scheme_name']
                                                lookup_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(create_request(st['st_barcode_link'])))
                                                # Request may fail and return an error message (as a string), ignore.
                                                if isinstance(lookup_data['results'][0], unicode):
                                                        print 'ERROR: parsing lookup data'
                                                elif lookup_data['results'][0].has_key('ST_id'):
                                                        ST = str(lookup_data['results'][0]['ST_id'])
                                        except Exception as e:
                                                print 'ERROR: parsing lookup data %s ' %e

                                        if ST:
                                                # Update ST value if exists
                                                bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), scheme_name + '_ST').Content = ST

                                                # Add character profile (allele numbers) if ST > 0 (valid)
                                                if int(ST) > 0 :
                                                        # Create Experiment record if required
                                                        if not cset.Load(record['strain_barcode'], scheme_name) :
                                                                cset.Create(scheme_name, '', record['strain_barcode'])
                                                        # Add Allele profile
                                                        for allele in  lookup_data['results'][0]['alleles']:
                                                                id = cset.FindName(allele['locus'])
                                                                if id >= 0 :
                                                                        cset.SetVal(id, float(allele['allele_id']))
                                                        cset.Save() # Commit changes
                                                        # ST is not valid, delete data if any.
                                                        bns.Database.Experiment(record['strain_barcode'], scheme_name).Delete()

                                                # Fetch associated data (eBG, lineage, Predicted serovar). Lookup ST.
                                                eBG_address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/%s/sts?ST_id=%s' %(DATABASE, scheme_name, ST)
                                                        eBG_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(create_request(eBG_address)))
                                                        # Request may fail and return error, valid data is always a dict
                                                        if isinstance(eBG_data,dict):
                                                                eBG_info = None
                                                                if len(eBG_data.get('STs')) > 0:
                                                                        eBG_info = eBG_data.get('STs')[0].get('info')
                                                                # Found valid associated data, adding...
                                                                if eBG_info:
                                                                        eBG = eBG_info.get('st_complex','')
                                                                        lineage = eBG_info.get('lineage','')
                                                                        serovars = eBG_info.get('predict',{}).get('serotype',[])
                                                                        if len(serovars) > 0:
                                                                                prediction = serovars[0][0]
                                                                                bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), 'Predicted_serovar').Content = prediction
                                                                        bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), scheme_name + '_eBG').Content = eBG
                                                                        bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), 'Lineage').Content = lineage
                                                                        print 'ERROR: %s has no eBG info' %record['strain_barcode']
                                                        print 'Error on eBG lookup ST_id: %s' % ST
                                                # No ST could be found in Lookup.
                                                print 'ERROR: %s has no ST profile data' %record['strain_barcode']
                                                bns.Database.Experiment(record['strain_barcode'], st['scheme_name']).Delete()
                                        bns.Database.Db.Fields.Save() # Commit changes
  • ** Grab a coffee, sit back and watch the little green blips light up as data is loaded in. **

The final MST

  • ** Congratulations! You’ve got strain metadata, cgMLST, rMLSt, and 7 Gene MLST data loaded into BN. Here is the MST generated from these data. I have colour coded it with rMLST ST. I set the partitions [grey] at 100 allele differences. **


The demo script

  • ** Here is the entire demo script: **
import os
import sys
import site
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import base64
import bns

# Created by Nabil-Fareed Alikhan 2015 <enterobase@warwick.ac.uk>

# You have a choice of Databases; 'senterica', 'ecoli', 'yersinia', 'mcatarrhalis'
# for Salmonella, Escherichia, Yersinia and Moraxella database respectively.
DATABASE = 'senterica'
SERVER_ADDRESS = 'https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/'

# This should be the Enterobase API Token from the website.
TOKEN = ''

def create_request(request_str):
        ''' Helper method that formats a URL request for the API by
                  wrapping it with your token
        request = urllib2.Request(request_str)
        base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (TOKEN,'')).replace('\n', '')
        request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
        return request

def import_fields():
        ''' Creates fields and experimental data types,
                  using one strain record as a template.
                  Returns list of scheme names, required later.

        # URL for EnteroBase strain records. Fetch 1 only.
        address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?bionumerics=True&limit=1&Assembly_status=Assembled' %DATABASE
        print 'Connecting to %s' %address
        response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))

        # Strain data is returned as json.
        data = json.load(response)
        record = data["strains"][0]
        existing_fields = []

        # Add metadata fields from EnteroBase to BN.
        for e in bns.Database.Db.Fields:
        for key in sorted(record.keys()):
                # Clean up any weird characters.
                new_key = key.replace('.','_')
                new_key = new_key.replace(' ','_')
                # There are helper fields (like url links or nested data in EnteroBase output,
                # ignore these fields i.e. 'link' and 'sts'
                if not new_key.endswith('link') and not new_key.startswith('sts') and new_key not in existing_fields:

        # Add schemes to BN.
        schemes = {}
        for st in sorted(record['sts']):
                scheme_name = st['scheme_name']

                # We only want 7 Gene MLST, cgMLST or rMLST data right now.
                if scheme_name.startswith('MLST') or scheme_name in ['cgMLST','rMLST']:
                        schemes[scheme_name] = st['scheme_id']

                        # Add fields for ST and eBG
                        st_field = '%s_ST' %scheme_name.replace('.','_').replace(' ','_')
                        ebg_field = '%s_eBG' %scheme_name.replace('.','_').replace(' ','_')
                        if st_field not in existing_fields:
                        if ebg_field not in existing_fields:

  # Add a field for Predicted serovar.
        if 'Predicted_serovar' not in existing_fields:

        # Commit our changes
        return schemes

def import_entries(serotype, country , year, max_num = 1000):
#  Imports entry keys, given serotype, contact and year, into BN.
#       This does not add any metadata.

        offset = 0 # Cursor position for traversing data
        limit = 200 # Page size in API requests

        keys = [] # existing BN keys
        for e in bns.Database.Db.Entries:
        done = [] # BN does not add update keys until the end. So we need a
                                        # running tally.

        while True:

                # Our search params
                params = dict(Serovar=serotype, Country=country, Collection_year=year,
                        limit=limit, offset=offset, bionumerics='True')

                # Retrive from strain data API
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?%s' %(DATABASE, urllib.urlencode(params))
                print 'Connecting to %s' %address
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)

                # Read through data entries and add to BN.
                for record in data['strains']:
                        item = record['strain_barcode']
                        if item not in keys and item not in done:
                                print 'ERROR: %s has already been in this database' % (item)

                offset += limit # Update cursor. Repeat.

                # If the API does not give a link to a next page,
                # this is the last page; so break.
                if not data['paging'].has_key('next') or offset >= max_num:

def import_metadata(field_filter = 'Assembly_status', update_all = False):
        # This method searches for rows missing data in a certain
        # field and updates metadata.

        offset = 0 # offset cursor for traversal
        limit = 100 # page limit for API requests
        keys = []

        # Find all keys to be updated, where field is NULL.
        for ent in bns.Database.Db.Entries:
                if bns.Database.EntryField(ent,field_filter).Content == '' or update_all:
        fields = []

        # Fetch all BN fields to be updated.
        for ent in bns.Database.Db.Fields:

        # Iterate through all keys to be updated
        chunks =[keys[x:x+limit] for x in xrange(0, len(keys), limit)]
        for chunk in chunks:

                # Create list of strain keys to be downloaded
                strain_list = ','.join(chunk)

                # Request parameters
                params = dict(strain_barcode=strain_list, bionumerics='True', limit=len(chunk))
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?%s' %(DATABASE, urllib.urlencode(params))
                print 'Connecting to %s' %address[:50]
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)
                # From json data, update BN rows.
                for record in data['strains']:
                          # Step through and updated specified fields.
                                for field in fields:
                                        # Field should exist (obviously)
                                        if record.has_key(field):
                                                #  Make sure API has returned a value for a field.
                                                if record[field] != '' and record[field] != 'null' and record[field] != 'None' and record[field] != None:
                                                   # Do not update empty fields
                                                        if bns.Database.EntryField(record['strain_barcode'], field).Content != '' :
                                                                print "SKIP: EntryField '%s %s' has some data and will not be updated." % (record['strain_barcode'], field)
                                                        else :
                                                                bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), field).Content = str(record[field])
                                bns.Database.Db.Fields.Save() # commit our changes

def create_experiments(schemes, maximum_num = 100000):
        # Using list of schemes (from import fields)
        # create corresponding experiments in BN and add loci.
        keys = {}
        # Valid schemes from import_fields method
        for scheme in schemes:
                # Fetch Loci information
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/%s/loci?limit=5000' %(DATABASE, scheme)
                print 'Connecting to %s' %address
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)
                charset = []
                for chars in data['loci']:

                # Get the scheme (experiment), or create if needed
                try :
                except :
                schemes[scheme] = bns.Characters.CharSetType(scheme)

                # Create Locus (as a character field) if required
                for cset in sorted(charset):
                        if schemes[scheme].FindChar(cset) == -1:
                                schemes[scheme].AddChar(cset, maximum_num)

                # Add experimental data to keys for each scheme, if they have no ST info
                for ent in bns.Database.Db.Entries:
                        ST =  int(bns.Database.EntryField(ent,'%s_ST' %scheme).Content) if bns.Database.EntryField(ent,'%s_ST' %scheme).Content.isdigit() else 100000
                        # Records with invalid or undefined STs will be given a -1 value.
                        # These need to be ignored.
                        if ST < 1:
                                bns.Database.Experiment(ent, scheme_name).Delete()
                        elif bns.Database.EntryField(ent,'%s_ST' %scheme).Content == '':
                                keys[str(ent)] = True
        return sorted(keys.keys())

def get_experiment_data(keys):
        limit = 100
        # Iterate through all keys (in chunks) to be updated
        chunks =[keys[x:x+limit] for x in xrange(0, len(keys), limit)]
        cset = bns.Characters.CharSet()
        for chunk in chunks:

                # Create list of strain keys to be downloaded
                strain_list = ','.join(chunk)

                # Request parameters
                params = dict(strain_barcode=strain_list, bionumerics='True', limit=len(chunk))
                address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/straindata?%s' %(DATABASE, urllib.urlencode(params))
                # Fetch records
                response = urllib2.urlopen(create_request(address))
                data = json.load(response)

                for record in data['strains']:
                # Retrieve ST information for records.
                # Iterate through sts, which stores ST info for each scheme
                        for st in record['sts']:
                                if st.has_key('st_barcode_link') and st['st_barcode'].endswith('_ST'):
                                        ST = None
                                        # Search for an ST for the records
                                        scheme_name = st['scheme_name']
                                                lookup_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(create_request(st['st_barcode_link'])))
                                                # Request may fail and return an error message (as a string), ignore.
                                                if isinstance(lookup_data['results'][0], unicode):
                                                        print 'ERROR: parsing lookup data'
                                                elif lookup_data['results'][0].has_key('ST_id'):
                                                        ST = str(lookup_data['results'][0]['ST_id'])
                                        except Exception as e:
                                                print 'ERROR: parsing lookup data %s ' %e

                                        if ST:
                                                # Update ST value if exists
                                                bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), scheme_name + '_ST').Content = ST

                                                # Add character profile (allele numbers) if ST > 0 (valid)
                                                if int(ST) > 0 :
                                                        # Create Experiment record if required
                                                        if not cset.Load(record['strain_barcode'], scheme_name) :
                                                                cset.Create(scheme_name, '', record['strain_barcode'])
                                                        # Add Allele profile
                                                        for allele in  lookup_data['results'][0]['alleles']:
                                                                id = cset.FindName(allele['locus'])
                                                                if id >= 0 :
                                                                        cset.SetVal(id, float(allele['allele_id']))
                                                        cset.Save() # Commit changes
                                                        # ST is not valid, delete data if any.
                                                        bns.Database.Experiment(record['strain_barcode'], scheme_name).Delete()

                                                # Fetch associated data (eBG, lineage, Predicted serovar). Lookup ST.
                                                eBG_address = SERVER_ADDRESS + '/api/v1.0/%s/%s/sts?ST_id=%s' %(DATABASE, scheme_name, ST)
                                                        eBG_data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(create_request(eBG_address)))
                                                        # Request may fail and return error, valid data is always a dict
                                                        if isinstance(eBG_data,dict):
                                                                eBG_info = None
                                                                if len(eBG_data.get('STs')) > 0:
                                                                        eBG_info = eBG_data.get('STs')[0].get('info')
                                                                # Found valid associated data, adding...
                                                                if eBG_info:
                                                                        eBG = eBG_info.get('st_complex','')
                                                                        lineage = eBG_info.get('lineage','')
                                                                        serovars = eBG_info.get('predict',{}).get('serotype',[])
                                                                        if len(serovars) > 0:
                                                                                prediction = serovars[0][0]
                                                                                bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), 'Predicted_serovar').Content = prediction
                                                                        bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), scheme_name + '_eBG').Content = eBG
                                                                        bns.Database.EntryField(str(record['strain_barcode']), 'Lineage').Content = lineage
                                                                        print 'ERROR: %s has no eBG info' %record['strain_barcode']
                                                        print 'Error on eBG lookup ST_id: %s' % ST
                                                # No ST could be found in Lookup.
                                                print 'ERROR: %s has no ST profile data' %record['strain_barcode']
                                                bns.Database.Experiment(record['strain_barcode'], st['scheme_name']).Delete()
                                        bns.Database.Db.Fields.Save() # Commit changes

if __name__ == '__main__':

        schemes = import_fields()
        serotype = 'Typhimurium'
        country = 'United Kingdom'
        year = '2015'
        import_entries(serotype, country, year)
        keys_missing_exp = create_experiments(schemes)

Appendix 1: Sample strain record.

This a sample of what a strain record looks like coming from EnteroBase, if you want to write your own searches. Follow the ST barcode link for all the ST information.

  "secondary_sample_accession": "SRS1045120",
  "City": null,
  "antigenic_formulas": null,
  "metadata_version": 1,
  "assembly_barcode": "SAL_EA1761AA_AS",
  "Country": "United States",
  "Region": null,
  "Collection_month": null,
  "sts": [
      "st_barcode_link": "https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/api/v1.0/lookup?barcode=SAL_RA4950AA_ST",
      "scheme_id": 6,
      "scheme_name": "cgMLST",
      "st_version": "3.1",
      "st_barcode": "SAL_RA4950AA_ST"
      "st_barcode_link": "https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/api/v1.0/lookup?barcode=SAL_AA0015AA_ST",
      "scheme_id": 1,
      "scheme_name": "MLST_Achtman",
      "st_version": "3.0",
      "st_barcode": "SAL_AA0015AA_ST"
      "st_barcode_link": "https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/api/v1.0/lookup?barcode=SAL_AA4248AA_ST",
      "scheme_id": 3,
      "scheme_name": "rMLST",
      "st_version": "3.0",
      "st_barcode": "SAL_AA4248AA_ST"
  "Assembly_status": "Assembled",
  "Source_details": null,
  "last_modified": "2015-09-03 14:49:49.651160",
  "secondary_study_accession": "SRP040281",
  "Top_species": "Salmonella enterica;100.0%",
  "strain_barcode": "SAL_AA7051AA",
  "Email": "pfge@cdc.gov",
  "Strain_Name": "PNUSAS000536",
  "Continent": "North America",
  "Source_niche": null,
  "release_date": "2015-08-25 00:00:00",
  "sample_accession": "SAMN03863381",
  "County": null,
  "Source_type": null,
  "Serovar": null,
  "Lab_contact": "EDLB-CDC",
  "assembly_version": 1,
  "Collection_year": null,
  "study_accession": "PRJNA230403"